Sunday, January 15, 2012

1940's Fashion Tips for the Whole Year

A while back my sweet brother gifted me several vintage sewing and knitting books.  Among these books was "The Complete Book of Sewing" by Constance Talbot.  Published in 1943,  this book goes through the basics of sewing as well as tips on how to style your wardrobe and home.

(Please click on image to enlarge.)

While skimming the book I came across a section titled "Seasonal Changes in Accessories."  Here is a little excerpt:  "The dates for seasonal changes differ in different climates and localities; but the check list which follows is general and can be adapted to your wardrobe and the climate in which you live.  The recommendations in the list are by no means definite rulings; they are simply suggestions designed to stimulate thought so that you can make your own plan according to your particular needs."

(Please click on image to enlarge.)

Special thanks to my husband for helping me scan and crop these images. 

I hope you enjoyed and thank you for stopping by!

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