Sunday, March 23, 2014

Homemade Lemonade

I thrift-ed this adorable hand juicer and thought I would have a go at some homemade lemonade.

After a few tips from Mom, Grandma and Google I concocted the following recipe:

  • 1 cup lemon juice (5 lemons)
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 5 cups water

Heat 5 cups of water on the stove, add 1 cup sugar and mix until dissolved.  Take mixture off the stove and allow to cool.  Roll 5 lemons on the counter to soften.  Cut each lemon in half and begin juicing.  Sift to the desired amount of pulp and add juice to the sugar water mixture.  Stir it all together, serve over ice and enjoy!!!

Now...if I could only get my hands on one of these beauties!

 Check it out!


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