Thursday, January 29, 2015

Zelda Fitzgerald

Zelda Fitzgerald was the first flapper. She was given the tittle by her husband F. Scott Fitzgerald.  Together they lived an exciting and tragic life.  The pair quickly became a celebrity couple after the publication of Scott's first novel "This Side of Paradise."  This fame allowed them to lead a very lavish lifestyle.  They were icons of the Roaring 20's and were known for their passion and grand parties.

Zelda and her cat
Zelda was a strong willed woman and wanted her own fame apart from her husband. She was a dancer, writer and painter.  Below are some of my favorite Zelda Fitzgerald paintings.


Arc de Triomphe
Zelda was a muse for many of Scott's works, but he undervalued Zelda's talents. He began to neglect her as he became an alcoholic.  The pressure to succeeded and the sadness of her failing marriage lead to a mental break down.  Zelda would spend the rest of her life in and out of mental hospitals.  The couple parted ways since they were unable to resolve their issues.  In 1940 F. Scott Fitzgerald died at age 44 of a heart attack.  Eight years later Zelda passed at age 47 in a fire at a mental institution.

As sad as their story is one can not deny their unbelievable talents and the wonderful literature and art they left behind. 

For more information  on Zelda and to see Zelda the musical check out this wonderful website!

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